
Create your own branded stories using StoryCatcher® for iOS!

Capture branded stories

Imagine your community telling your story for you. At North Beach Apps, we offer a cost effective opportunity to create your own branded iPhone app using StoryCatcher’s framework. Commissioning an app on your own that offers the power of StoryCatcher® could cost you $50k and up. For a fraction of that cost, we offer a white lable option, with annual liscensing, to help you create shareable, branded video stories. Create videos to post on your website and social media campaigns, help your community tell their personal stories, produce a full-length documentary — the possibilities are endless. If you hired a video production crew to film and edit branded stories, it could cost you tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Story Ideas

Adding customized prompts right inside the app helps storytellers contribute the content you’re hoping for.

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Stitch multiple short video stories together using the “Collections” feature and tell a larger story from different points of view.

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Sharing Options

You control where media created with your branded app is shared. Vette and sort videos before they’re released into the wild!

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Content Generator

Quality video production can be expensive. StoryCatcher’s White Label option is an elegant solution for your marketing budget.

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Custom Branding

Custom fonts and colors on the title card with your logo watermark superimposed on video stories plus a custom branded ender card!

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Annual Licensing

After a one time set-up fee is taken care of, an affordable licensing fee is collected annually, which allows for unlimited app installs.

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See how easy it is to build a story



Adding customized prompts right inside the app helps storytellers contribute the content you’re hoping for. The flagship feature of StoryCatcher for iOS is great prompts to ask your interview subjects are available, right inside the app! Your custom branded version comes with one set of story prompts, provided by you and your team. The option to update or change the core set of prompts is included with each annual renewal of your license. You also have the freedom to change or add additional prompt themes at any time for an additional fee.


Once the set-up fee is taken care of, an affordable licensing fee is collected annually, allowing for unlimited app downloads by your company, group, or organization. Licensing includes behind the scenes tech support, with seamless updates to reamin iOS and Apple App Store compliant at all times. With this custom product, you will have your own branded logo and app in the Apple App Store for all your story tellers or capturers to easily download, record, and share; any time, any where.


Quality video production can be expensive. StoryCatcher’s White Label option is an elegant solution for your marketing budget. How often have you been having a great interacation with a customer, client, or person you provide a valuable service to and wished you could capture their thoughts and emotions for the rest of the world to see? These days, we all have a video camera right in our purse or pocket. With a few simple steps using a custom branded version of StoryCatcher, you can turn that captured video into great content to share instantly with your community!


Stitch stories together using the “Collections” feature and tell a larger story from different points of view.  With StoryCatcher, stories can be captured individually or stored and shared in groups as a Collection. You might capture a series of recordings with the same person or multiple people, speaking to various prompts. You can keep adding stories to a Collection and share each individually or have the StoryCatcher App render all the clips together in one longer movie. The length of your movie is only limited by the capabilities of the phone’s storage parameters.


You control where the media created with your branded app is shared. We currently offer sharing via Vimeo, YouTube, and Dropbox. By default, users also have the ability to save video stories to their camera roll or email the video from right inside the app. This may be too much freedom for your taste. Therefore, we provide you with the ability to choose all or as few as one of these options, adding in security steps to ensure you and your team get the chance to vette and sort videos made with your custom branded app before they’re released into the wild!


Custom fonts and colors supporting your brand’s look and feel on the title card with your logo watermark superimposed on video stories, plus a custom branded ender card showing your logo, contact information, or call to action will make your video stories shine on the web. Stand out in your community by having a stand-alone downloadable app in the Apple App Store. These days, having an app makes a difference. Having an app that helps you generate branded video content, allowing  your commuity or your customers tell your story for you? Priceless.

North Beach Apps, LLC offers the ability to easily and affordably create custom branded video stories by utilizing StoryCatcher® App for iOS technology. 

A customized version of our app serves as an elegant tool for creating, sharing, and curating your own branded video stories.

StoryCatcher® includes video capture, branded title card, screen text, ability to superimpose photos over video media, your logo watermark tastefully displayed throughout each video, and a custom ender-card for your contact info or calll to action.

The best part is, you get to add your own custom story prompts right inside the app to assist folks in telling the kinds of stories your organzation most wants to capture.

Users are able to produce impact stories (how an orginaizatin has impacted, contributed to, or shaped their life), documentaries, testimonials, or promotional videos using your custom app on any iPhone or iPad.

The rendered video is then shared or curated, at project lead’s discretion.

To purchase gear and software, or to hire this work out  via professional video production is traditionally costly.

StoryCatcher® for iOS White Label option is an elegant solution to generate branded shareable videos on the fly.

SAMPLE: Take a look at this sweet dedication story captured by the Blue Water Foundation at a ceremony for a beloved fallen volunteer. Note branded title card, logo watermark throughout, and call to action end card.


When you commission a branded version of StoryCatcher for your organziation or business, the possibilties are endless.

What’s your story?

Download StoryCatcher On The Apple App Store

Take StoryCatcher for a spin on your iOS device and imagine using a White Label version to easily create and tell engaging branded stories for your organization or business. Get in touch, and we’ll provide you with a complimentary download code after our initial conversation.

Get in touch!

15 + 11 =

“StoryCatcher is a wonderful development in the evolution of how we record, structure, and save [video] histories.”

Liz Massey, Professional Oral Historian

"StoryCatcher is more than a home movie and more than just a slide show. This app allows you to showcase small pieces of your ... life in high quality videos without having to know any of the skills of a video editor!"

Shannon Combs Bennet, The In-depth Genealogist

"Even iPhone apps are being used to create ethical wills. April Bell, who owns a video storytelling business called Tree of Life Legacies, codeveloped the ethical will app StoryCatcher for iPhone use."

The New York Times, Story: Ethical Wills In The Tech Age